Why Software is Important for Computers
Why Software is Important for Computers ? Software (Software or Program) is a set of detailed instructions or procedures arranged so that a computer can perform its functions in a certain way.
Software can be an operating system or a computer program with specific uses.
The smallest form of software is arithmetic operations (+, -, :, x) and logic (AND. OR, >, <, =). It is from these basic operations that software is composed.
Software is one of the IMPORTANT elements in a computer or other technological devices. Without software, a computer is just an inanimate object that cannot function.
- Pioneer Period (1950 – 1963)
- In the beginning, the form of software was a cable connection to the inside of the computer.
- The use of computers in this period is still done directly, a program for a machine and used for a specific purpose.
- The result (output) is a printout.
- The process is carried out in the form of sequentially processed lines of instructions.
- Stable Period (1963 – 1980)
- The use of computers in this period has been quite widespread and is widely used in various circles.
- Software companies have sprung up.
- The command lines are executed simultaneously (multi-tasking).
- A software can be used by many users (multi-user) quickly / directly (real-time).
- Database Systems were introduced, which separated the program (processor) from the data (processed).
- Micro Period (1980 – 1990)
- In this period, software can be divided into 2, namely System Software (which is in charge of handling internals), and Application Software which is used directly by users for certain purposes.
- Automation in software leads to a type of artificial intelligence.
- Modern Period (1990 – Sat.)
- Software in this period is found on almost every electronic device.
- All devices that have software can be connected (automation).
- Making software is not just the work of a handful of people, but has become the work of many people, with several stages of the process involving various disciplines in its design.
- The level of intelligence shown by software is also increasing. In addition to technical problems, software is now starting to recognize sounds and images.
- System Software
Namely, Software (Software) that is specifically related to the Hardware (Hardware) of the computer system.
a. Operating System
When the computer is first turned on, the operating system is the first software to run to manage all processes, translate input, control internal processes, manage memory usage, and so on.
Examples of Operating Systems include:
- OS/2 (Operating System/2),
- Macintosh,
- Linux,
- Apple System.
Operating System Functions:
- Control Program
- Processing Program
It is software that is in charge of converting architecture and algorithms designed by humans (programmers) into a format that can be run by computers.
The set of rules in a programming language is called syntax. Computer programs that contain incorrect syntax (syntax errors) cannot be run.
Classification of Programming Languages:
- Generation I, which is machine-oriented.
- Generation II, which uses assembly language.
- Generation III, which uses a procedural approach.
Examples: Algol, C, Basic, Cobol, Fortran, and Pascal.
- Compiler. Converts all source code into executable code.
(Completion/Compilation) - Interpreter. Translates the source code per one instruction. This causes the process
to become so long.
- Generation IV, which is designed to reduce design time in creating programs. So that it can be more productive and efficient.
Examples: Microsoft Access, Oracle, Informix, Sybase. - Generation V, which is a group of programming languages aimed at handling artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence).
Various applications of human intelligence:
- Natural Language Processing.
It is expected that computers can communicate with humans in human language. - Expert System Applications.
It is expected that the computer has the same thinking as an expert. - Robotics control with eye sensors.
Programming Language is divided into 3 levels:
- Low-Level Language
Example: Machine Language, Assembler. - Middle-Level Language
Machine-oriented, but uses human language.
Example: C language. - High-Level Language
Example: C++, C#, Java.
Divided into 2, namely: - Procedure Oriented Language:
- Scientific problems (Science). Example: Pascal, Fortran.
- Business Problems. Example: Cobol, PL/1.
- Problem Problem-oriented language.
Example: RPG.
c. System Utility
Is one of the system support programs, which is a program that is useful as a supporter of computer operations, and management of computer use and provides a variety of computer services.
Example: Hardware Driver, Norton Utility, PC Tools, etc.
- Application Software
That is Software 9Software) which is generally used to process data. Consists of those that are versatile and those that are specific.
Based on how to get software and its usage rights, it can be classified into :
a. Commercial Software.
It is paid software that must be purchased in advance by the user before using it and must have a License (Letter of Permission) which can be obtained from the vendor/party concerned.
- Trial Software.
A form of software that is provided free of charge with a set trial period. After the trial period expires, the user is required to purchase the software.
Example: Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office.
b. Shareware.
Is software that is evaluated. Users do not have an expiration period, and this product is free. Users can still use this software even if the evaluation period has expired. Usually, Shareware products have polling facilities, consultation, updates to the latest version, and all of that can be done for free.
c. Freeware.
Is free software. Can be used by everyone without evaluation or, a grace period, but the license remains with the software developer or maker. Some freeware has an update facility to the latest version.
Example: Anti Virus.
d. Open Source
Is software that is given free of charge with the source code included where the software was created or developed.
Every Open Source user can participate in developing this software until it becomes even more perfect.
An example is the Linux Operating System, which to this day has many different versions.
Originally, Open Source was created by Eric Raymond in 19998 to eliminate the meaning of free which has various meanings.
In addition to the four types of software written above, there are also other types of software, namely Public-Domain Software, and Rentalware Software types.
Software Suite, which is a collection of several programs/software packaged into one. For example: Microsoft Office, Lotus Smart Suite, Star Office.